Thursday, 18 December 2014

another apology

Evening all

Thanks to those of you wondering if Book 6 is still being written or if I've scrapped the idea. Truthfully, I haven't written a word since the last post which was in around March, I think.

But that doesn't mean I've given up on continuing the story, it just means I've been lazy and blaming real life and work for not having time to write!!

Our son was 21 years old in May and in November he got married. I went from working 19 hours per week to full time and we now have 3 very beautiful and adventurous/watchable  cats. Pokémon X&Y, Pokebank and Omega Ruby/Alpha Sapphire were released and we've been watching the Pokémon TV series each night. Yes it is a kids show but I love watching the Pokemon interact and the little side adventures they have. We're now up to season 4 of 15!! I have been finishing the Pokémon games (we have a dozen X/Y games plus 4 of the new ones) main stories in well under 20 hours each with more time for the side adventures!

My partner, Bec, has accepted the idea she's losing her sight and is currently getting some help with learning how to orientate around home and the local community. She's now even thinking of taking her new long cane to work because she's tired of refusing to walk to the local shop for a coffee with her teammates because she was not confident crossing the busy roads. Well, that's about to change!! I've been working with her to learn to touch type because she can't see the keyboard to hunt and peck anymore! She is extremely brave and I'm totally proud of her for taking control of her life.

I'm posting some pictures to the blogsite because I live in a gorgeous part of the world and the beach is a 10 minute drive from my workplace. Personally, I don't go in the water because of a childhood JAWS trauma but I do appreciate the spectacular view the ocean provides.

Thank you for reading my stories and letting me know how much you enjoy spending your valuable time with my characters.

Christmas is quickly coming and I hope you all have a fantastic, loving, caring and giving festive season. My plan for Christmas is to spend some time working on Book 6 and honestly, I think I'm ready to buckle down and do some great work.

All the best for Christmas and New Year!!


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